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The Legend of Sleepy Howell
Presented by Illuminatus Lasers

Creating an event of this magnitude required a lot of logistical help and effort.
Illuminatus Lasers would like to thank:
Amelia Purdy-Ketchum and her team of parks people for their help with everything, especially the canopies and their wrapping. And especially the guy who had to go into the lake to fill the barrels.
City of Howell Public Services for their ace cherry pickers.
Complete Production Services for providing the screen towers, foggers, and tree uplights.
A-1 Rental for their stage and water barrels we used as ballast for the towers
Aubrees Pizza Howell for feeding us at the rehearsal day.
Chris Short and his peeps at Neon Captain for inventing the Radiator (Vortex).
Tom Harman of LaserNet and Ray Woods of 4Wall for the loan of the 6W projector at the entrance.
And especially to our sponsors: