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The Legend of Sleepy Howell
Presented by Illuminatus Lasers
Cars entering the park passed under a large screen suspended between two trees. Two laser projectors provided welcome notices and thank you messages to sponsors via scrolling text and logos, as well as Halloween imagery and a visit from the Headless Horseman himself. Fog generators provided for a spooky environment.
Here is an example of our main sponsor's logo, edited to fit the image size and constraints of our laser system. This image was then translated into laser control software.
The projectors were a LaserNet 6W loaned to us by Tom Harmon and Ray Woods (Thanks!) and a Clubcat 5W we won at SELEM last year (Thanks, Jon Laughlin!)
The entrance station was manned by Steve and Ben Rich, using Beyond software running a timeline Mike designed.
Steve was our barker, reminding the visitors to tune their radios and turn off their headlights. Ben manned the E-Stops and handled the alignment of the lasers. Photo by Jacob Rich.