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The Legend of Sleepy Howell
Presented by Illuminatus Lasers

Dances With Lasers

Video by Jacob Rich, who along with Tom Bray, also ran the show.

Dances With Lasers was a main attraction at Legend of Sleepy Howell 2020; dancing skeletons controlling lasers with their movements. This is usually an audience participation event, but with the onslaught of Covid and social distancing, we used Howell dancers in skeleton suits to perform before our sensor.

Here is a wide-angle shot showing the jack o' lanterns guiding cars along the route:

Dances With Lasers

Here is the backstory for this:
Another little-known aspect of the Horseman, is that he has followers who dance the light fantastic whenever he is around. Our first encounter is with this choreographic crew, whose movements also tweak the continuum, producing outlines that appear in the vicinity. The Horseman also travels with his own DJ/soundscaper, the wizard Zenkora, who provides a live musical backdrop to his travels.